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Flat World Seed

Flat World Seed

This is a seed that will be very useful to you since many people are looking to have a world completely ready for construction, that is, completely flat where you can create your buildings without any need to flatten the land, since it is a very large space. . the one who generates this seed for you to build.

To locate this terrain very simply, what you simply have to do is generate the world with the seed that you will have at the end of this page, then as you appear, turn completely, walk a few blocks and you will be able to see the world completely flat and ready for you to let your imagination fly without having to worry about flattening it.

It should also be mentioned that in this seed you will be able to find a wide variety of biomes, for example a desert, birch forests, swamps and the best of all is that everything is within reach of a few blocks from your spawning point, which which means that the orientation in this seed is something you should never worry about.

What is the seed?

The seed is as follows: MCPE

How do I place the seed in my world?

  • Para colocar la semilla en tu mundo simplemente debes crear un nuevo mundo, luego te vas en el apartado de semilla y escribes es siguiente texto: MCPE
  • Una vez hecho eso solo quedaría por crear el mundo.
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Como tengo Crafting & Building (copia de Minecraft) la semilla 2360843(MCPE) me salió con aldea, las coordenadas son: -768 74 -221