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Item Null

Item Null

If you are looking for a way to filter out blocks/items like cobblestone or gravel while mining this addon is just for you! This addon adds an Item to make it possible, The Item Null. This Addon uses Gametest Scripts, compatible with Mobile and PC but not for Consoles

Crafting the Item Null is easy if you already have the resources, there are 3 kinds of Null the Small, Medium and Big.

Small Item Null:

Medium Item Null:

Big Item Null:

Using The Null:

To use the null simply use the Null while holding it, then access your inventory and put the items you don’t want in your item null, to exit simply jump or sneak.

Non-Vanilla Items is incompatible with the null putting an item inside will delete it.

Demonstration Video:


How Is It Installed?

  1. Download the file from the bottom. After you have downloaded files, tap on each one and it will automatically take you to your Minecraft, it will import the file into your game.
  2. Then go to the world where you are going to use the downloaded addon: Edit the world> resource packs> (Activate the resource pack) and finally: Edit the world> behavior packs> (Activate the behavior pack)

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